Our Visit to Image - South Dakota Logo

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Mt. Rushmore:

Sydney took some time out to join in a Native American Hoop dance... and we visit with a Mt. Rushmore native.

Look for a new National Parks show on PBS in 2009... we may be on the one covering Mt. Rushmore.

An evening show with a video and lighting of the monument. All of the veterans in the crowd participated in a flag ceremony.

Custer State Park:

You can see Mt. Rushmore through the tunnel on the left.

We could get so very close to the buffalo (too close!!)

There was a burro that was scratching his head on our side mirror. He did not move until another car came and he went to them for food. Apparently, Custer State Parks Burro's are famous for "begging" for snacks.

Crazy Horse:

This is what Crazy Horse will look like when it's done.

This is what it looks like now..... they have a long way to go!!! They started working on Crazy Horse in 1948.  according to the sculptures, Crazy Horse (when finished) will be the largest man made rock sculpture in the world.

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